Sunday, 26 June 2011

Sourav Kumar Chaliha.. WHO??

My knowledge towards Assamese Literature was literally like an Axanto Electron. (The electron is a subatomic particle carrying a negative electric charge. It has no known components or substructure. Therefore, the electron is generally thought to be an elementary particle.)
Coming from an English medium school I hadn’t read anything Assamese in life, apart from my course work at school. SKC is responsible for turning it around. Quite late in life, I asked my friend Aporaj to suggest me an Assamese book to read. Prompt came the answer. Suran Medhi’s work. I was like... Who? And why would you suggest reading his books.

Now Aporaj being a calm and composed poet friend as well as an avid reader not to mention, a huge fan of SKC gave me a “prolonged summary” of his work and narrated some of SKC’s book scenes to me with a pinch of Hollyood Graphics style to it. I decided to give it a go. The first story I read was Gulam. My mum, my biggest critique and rock in life after Deuta, saw me reading SKC’s book. A sarcastic smile followed and she said... Make sure you finish the book. Reading a signboard and completing a book are two different things. Yes it was hard in the beginning and it took me twice the time to read a page in Assamese but then... language is practice. The more you speak and read, the better you get at it. Maa is also an avid reader of Assamese Literature and I often felt left out when she discussed books with her friends. I am still learning and enjoying the richness Assamese Literature has to offer.
I was hooked on SKC. I smuggled Aporaj to Panbazar and instructed him to get me the best SKC’s books and I dutifully carried them back home to London. Manoj Goswami once told me that he requested SKC to write a New Year peice for his then Axomia newspaper. SKC was reluctant and later Eta Bhaal Khobor was on the papers on one new year’s day. Altaf Da made a short film out of it , When I watched it, I was gobsmacked to see the impact, the subtleness and the beauty of narrating a story. A very well made film and I quite liked the angel Altafda chose for the film. I also liked the fact that SKC was subtle and was thrilled that he used a pseudo name. Ok, I write my blogs as Rukmini Boiragi. Why? Well why not? I dont feel the neccisity for people to know me as long as they know my work. A journalist once asked my why I chose the name. Mythologically, Rukmini came from North East and so do I. And Boiragi..ahhh It is a surname I always secretly loved to have. It sounds like a song. Beautiful and so Assamese and exotic! In real life I cannot use it and thus, that became my pseudo name. The fact that SKC writes under a pseudo name gave me a kick. Not that I am comparing him with me for that will be preposterous.

Every Time I visit Guwhaati, I am tempted to ask Altaf Da to introduce me to SKC but I shied off the idea and told myself- Bublee, Toi Jugyo Nohoi. You are not worth enough to meet such a persona.
His passing away news hit me like a bolt out of the blue through his Facebook SKC Fan Group. I was not prepared as I was not aware of him ailing.

25th June is a very special and private day for me for its when my idol and my biggest inspiration in my life, Deuta passed away... four years ago. It is spooky that SKC passed away on that very day. I felt as though somewhere in ether we connected and he gave me his blessings which I couldn’t get in flesh and blood. People like him should not be mourned for he will live forever. Today I took out some of his books and hugged them, a substitute for not being able to say my last goodbye and touch his feet.

SKC.. this is for you...
Eti Deobaror duporiyat, bagisat bohi moi apunak shrodhanjali jonalu. Ehaat dobar khelor dore, hothat apunar deha tu heral kintu siro dinoloi apuni Asomor Baputi Sahun hoi thakibo.
Mur eei xekh anurudh je moi xoidaiye jen apunar Gulam hoi thaku.

(Sanchayita Sharma Goswami)
London Sunday 26th June 2011. 1.35pm)


drdebashish said...

my introduction to serious assamese literature was through Ehat daba..before that it was mostly comic books..a friend of my lent me a collection of stories published by sahitya academy and specificaly suggested this particular story. And after reading that my idea about literature changed. I came to know about the power of a writer over a reader's mind. SKC will always remain the most innovative writer. Teur dehatuhe mathu panchabhootot bilin hoise, teur atma teur srishtirajir majot hodai amar hoi robo.

Sanjeev Hazorika said...

Thanks for the beautiful post. Hoi ami bor nithoruwa holu. SKC was THE BEST of Assamese literature.

Unknown said...

Read your piece, on his death anniversary today. He is the man who changed my attitude towards Assamese literature. The feat I have achieved at an age of only 20 years is only because of him. He is my ideal. My greatest hero of Assamese literature.

jyoti said...

ম‌ই সৌৰভ কুমাৰ চলিহাৰ কিতাপ অনলাইন বিচাৰি ইয়াত আহি পালোঁ। :D