Last week my mama-koka (Granny's Brother) Dr Anil Barthakur was reading a piece written by him about his meeting with Jyoti Prasad Agarwala. I was secretly jealous that he had a chance to be in close proximity with the man I admire. Was I born too late in life I questioned myself? Have I missed the boat? Do I stand a chance to get closer to him if I silently hummed Luitore Pani or Agbarit Phulile Phule Moor Sompa? You know, that is another reason why I love talking to people born years before me. They have seen, tasted, felt and lived a life I was oblivion to.
Jyoti Prasad Agarwala (1903-1953) was a playwright, songwriter, poet, writer and film maker from Assam. He is an Assamese icon, deeply revered for his creative vision and output and is referred to as the Rupkonwar of Assamese culture. In fact, he is regarded as the founder of Assamese cinema.
Today, January 17 of each year is celebrated as Silpi divas (Artists' Day) in his honor.
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